On Sat, Mar 10, 2007 at 12:56:51AM +0100, Thomas R?sner wrote:
> I can understand that rationale for the client part, but which packages 
> would depend on the server part of e.g. MySQL if they could?
> And building the server part to get the small client lib is a larger 
> PITA than building the client lib to get the server, no?
> In other words: this is a sound argument against the client use flag, 
> but I don't think it's quite as convincing regarding the server flag, 
> which is more important IMHO.
> Btw, I agree that the best thing to do would be to prompt upstream to 
> split those packages (where it makes sense), which is the preferred way 
> to handle this here (at least I read this somewhere, does it still 
> apply?), but does anybody do that actually? To stay with the MySQL 
> example, did anyone try to suggest to MySQL AB that seperate releases 
> for the client part* would be nice?
It depends hugely on the structure of the code-base. In MySQL for
example, if you wanted to build only the server, you'd still need a big
hunk of the shared code (it's one set of code, that is compiled in two
different ways, once for the client, and once for the server), and
building the server actually requires building the client anyway (plus
the proper shared libs) thus splitting out the source for lib, client,
server does not make sense.

One of the other arguments I have against the split, and it applies to
both CVS and MySQL - is that if you don't build the server, you cannot
use src_test.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer
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