On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 22:52 +0000, Jeff Rollin wrote:
> Personally I find "you are/he/she/it/x,y,z is gay" statements/jokes
> really lame. The topic matter doesn't seem to be relevant to anything
> (beyond whom you might want to sleep with/marry, obviously) - does
> being gay make you a better/worse airline pilot? Does it inhibit your
> ability to be a software engineer? Are you more likely to step out on
> to the road in front of an oncoming vehicle? Does it mean you spend 60
> mins a day more than heterosexuals watching television? Are Mac users
> (as one OSNews nit posted recently) gay? Who gives a
> word-replaced-by-four-asterisks?


Can we drop this crap?  Really, it was a joke.  It wasn't even a joke in
which someone said someone else was gay.  Sure there was some hinting
and some innuendo, but that's what made the joke.

Anyway, if anybody knew about gay marriage being legal in MA, I would
suspect it to be Mike.  (Ha! Look! A joke!)  He does live there.

That being said, I have to agree, the new ChangeLog format for portage
owns.  As the Release Engineering lead, it really helps me choose a
portage version that does what I want and also helps me track when I
experience bugs that might be portage-related.

Great job guys!

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

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