On Thu, Mar 15, 2007 at 08:51:42AM +0100, Denis Dupeyron wrote:
> From your draft:
> >(note: most parts shamelessly stolen from Christel)
> In that case, showing only what differs from Christel's proposal would
> have been a better way to present yours.

Sorry if that was unclear, that note didn't apply to the whole
document but only the Code of Conduct itself (i did some rearranging
putting the dos above the don'ts, i also added that violating the
rules of a subforum also may be a breach of CoC).
I could have written down my own version of this, but Christel's
pretty much summed up what i would have written, too.

The rest of the document is not shamelessly stolen, and it's probably
best to read both docs to see the difference. My key point is that i
suggest a clear seperation between the moderators of the mailing lists
and the people who actually enforce the CoC while the proctors do both

It also integrates existing moderation structures and only adds a new
one for unmoderated mailing lists, reducing overlaps and potential
conflicts of interest.

There is no new department for executing the CoC, but this
responsibility rather lies with existing structures (Devrel or
Userrel, depending on the status of the person violating CoC), which
reduces redundancy and overlap once again.

I think that sums the most important differences up, if you need more
information, please read post proposals. ;-)


Wernfried Haas (amne) - amne at gentoo dot org
Gentoo Forums: http://forums.gentoo.org
IRC: #gentoo-forums on freenode - email: forum-mods at gentoo dot org

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