On Fri, 2007-04-13 at 11:23 -0500, Alex Tarkovsky wrote:
> It's mid-April and 2007.0 is still nowhere in sight, so the idea that
> there will be a 2007.1 is looking increasingly unrealistic. Please
> don't make baselayout-2's unmasking contingent on that.

I guess I should just delete all this 2007.0 media we've been working on
then, huh?

I'm simply amazed at the level of complete and total bullshit that some
people spout off on this list without bothering to check facts or take 3
seconds to talk to the people in the know.  If you don't know what
you're talking about, rather than open your mouth and prove to everyone
that you are clueless about the particular topic, it's probably best to
either ask someone or talk about something you're actually familiar
with, instead.  For those of you wondering, 2007.0 is close to being
finished.  You can blame the abnormally high number of security
vulnerabilities in large packages for the delays.  Also, the dates given
on the Release Engineering pages are nothing more than guesses made by
me months before we even start the release.  They are in no way binding.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

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