On Tue, 2007-04-24 at 18:21 -0400, Seemant Kulleen wrote:
> > Seemant: I'd like to continue to discuss the ways of council decission 
> > on gentoo-council rather than on gentoo-dev ML. :-)
> Happy to do that, in the general case.  In this specific case, however,
> it's valid here, because the entire thread revolves around a rather rash
> council decision (who knew such a thing was even possible?) that affects
> pretty much all Gentoo developers (and prospective developers).

Seemant is half right here.  The discussion should stay here, but only
if the discussion is about the technical issues involved in multiple
suffixes.  Anybody who plans on simply making this a bitching session
should reconsider sending any replies, at all.  How someone can even
pretend that this is such an important issue is beyond me.  Nobody held
some secret emergency meeting.  Most likely, three Council members were
simply talking, and decided that the best course of action is to block
further changes to the tree involving multiple suffixes until a proper
decision can be discussed and decided upon.  This makes complete sense
to me as it seems like something that should be done to keep the changes
from spreading for the short term.  Seriously, what is up with all the
anti-Council conspiracy theories?  Are you guys really *that* against
the Council trying to do *anything* productive, at all?  Should we all
just give up and quit?

It seems that every time I open my email client, somebody out there is
trying to say that by the Council using the powers afforded to them that
somehow they're conspiring to take down Gentoo.  Yeah... because that's
just what the Council wants to do, make Gentoo a steaming pile of rubble
so we can be the supreme rulers of... nothing.  Now, if only we can get
all these pesky developers out of the way, we could rule the world!

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation
(Ashamed to call myself a developer these days)

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