On Tue, 01 May 2007 19:46:56 -0400
Daniel Gryniewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There is one serious problem with this:  Who's going to do the work to
> figure all this out for the 11,000 odd packages in the tree?  This
> seems like a *huge* amount of work, work that I have no plan on doing
> for the 100-odd packages I (help) maintain, let alone the 4-10
> different versions of each package.  I highly doubt other maintainers
> want to do this kind of work either.

Last I heard the intention was to tie it to the EAPI=1 bump, so that
packages can be updated one by one as they move to the newer eapi.
Current (ie EAPI=0) ebuilds will continue to function as they have done.
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