Brian Harring wrote:

> Guess I'll be the killjoy, and throw in the -1 on it.
> Reasons are pretty straightforward (at least to me):

I originally agreed with you, but after giving it some thought I think
it might help.

> 1) Creating such channels is just attempting to shift the problem out 
> of sight.

This is true, if you consider the problem to be that
  a) we are required to be subscribed to -dev
  b) we don't want to spend our time sorting the signal from the noise
(where noise is defined as politics or non-technical debates or rhetoric)
  c) such noise kills developer interest and motivation and generally
makes us frowny-faced.

Shifting it out of sight is kinda the point.  We've already tried
(extensively) to make people get along together and it's obviously not
working.  We need to acknowledge that and try another approach.

> 2) Shifting said problem into a concentrated arena means the incidence 
> of idiot conflicts/trolling/needling/whatever is likely to increase

I don't think so.  Every rule of conduct that currently applies to -dev
should also apply to -project.  It's not OTW, just the non-technical
half (5/6ths? ;)) of -dev.

> 3) said increase means proctors/devrel have more work (meaning more 
> random outbursts at the proctors/devrel when folks realize that they 
> *are* going to enforce the behaviour rules, and that the outburstes 
> can be punished too).

It should probably be made clear beforehand then that these rules are
still in effect.

> 4) look through -dev history; the issue isn't OT discussion, it's 
> people needling/harassing/trolling/(chose your verb) kicking off yet 
> another "mine is bigger" last word battle on the ml.

By making -dev 'technical discussions only', the vast majority of that
needling/harassing/trolling becomes OT.  Now, of course, you can still
have a firefight in a technical debate, but history shows it to be far
less common than in a political discussion.

> Basically, what does this solve?  If the intention is to create an OTW 
> equivalent for the forums, sure, go nuts, but I strongly doubt it'll 
> improve things on -dev.

This is nothing like OTW.  Posts still need to be on-topic and we still
need to pretend we actually like each other. ;)

Of course, neither of us has a crystal ball (at least I know I don't),
so either one of us could be wrong.

PS. this thread is a good example of something that would belong on
gentoo-project. ;)

dirtyepic                 salesman said this vacuum's guaranteed
 gentoo org          it could suck an ancient virus from the sea
  9B81 6C9F E791 83BB 3AB3  5B2D E625 A073 8379 37E8 (0x837937E8)

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