On Tue, Jun 12, 2007 at 12:07:11PM +0200, cilly wrote:
>  Hi all,
>  I think it is worth to discuss about `Do not modify ebuilds which are
>  already in the tree... even if masked.`
>  Sometimes ebuilds which are already in the portage tree are modified
>  without changing the version-number, i.e. ebuild-r1 is in the portage
>  tree and the ebuild-r1 gets changed, i.e. useflag or other issues
>  without changing the version number to ebuild-r2. This causes
>  confusion i.e. in bug-reports.
>  My opinion is not to change any ebuild which is in the portage tree,
>  even if the ebuild is masked.  I think the better way is to add an
>  ebuild with an updated version number, even if the ebuild is still
>  masked.
>  I also recommend to manage hard-masked packages the same way, it
>  prevents confusion in bug-reports.
>  What do you think?

I think this is also a bad idea. I seem to recall that this is
documented somewhere in the Developer Handbook...

- ferdy

Fernando J. Pereda Garcimartín
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