On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 17:38:16 -0700
Christina Fullam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Although I've mentioned quite a bit, I feel that some of these
questions still need addressing... This lot can probably be added to
my candidate info stuffs/platform thingie on the site...

> 1) What you will do
> 2) Why you will do it
> 3) How you will do it
Black magik. Encouragement of ideas such as project updates, at least
some support and/or contributions to those who work on other
Gentoo-based distros, taking their ideas and contributions into the
tree, etc, etc. One possible idea would be to encourage people to use
one channel for primary communications, currently, many people make
decisions (in private?) on IRC, then "forget" to tell everyone else
about the decision... If we were all encouraged to make decisions on
relevant email aliases, on the right mailing list, etc, etc, there
would be less people missing out. The -project, -dev-announce and -dev
setup we've got at the moment seems to be a start in the right
direction from what I can see so far. It does require more time to wear
in before it can really be seen as a success or a failure.
> 4) What is the timescale for doing it
This depends on who is involved with the efforts, who agrees, who wants
to bring up (potentially) silly arguments, etc, etc. It's not really
possible to set a deadline for something when you don't know who you
will be working with.
> 5) What experience do you have with this or a similar role
I'm the lead of the Gentoo/*BSD team, the Gentoo/Alt ATs and the Bugday
team. The latter two teams do require quite a bit of user interaction,
which could be useful for the implementation of some of my ideas.
> 6) Why do you think you are qualified
Hrm, how different is this question to the question above? Meh. Well, I
suppose I am quite vocal - I speak to people a lot. I'm involved with a
local LUG. See answer to question above...
> 7) How you plan to balance a council role with your current Gentoo
> role 
Council will take precedence over most/all of my other roles. I will
probably also be dropping out of some of the teams/projects where I
have been relatively inactive.
> 8) How much time can you dedicate to the council role
Hmm. Well, around 7.5hrs a day if needs be. I should be able to pull
out more hours from the hat, dependant on my school timetable for the
next academic year.

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