Artwork and GWN? It's really great that you finally found your user name
then, welcome aboard!

Bernard Cafarelli (Voyageur)
NX and GNUstep Gentoo developer

Le Mon, 27 Aug 2007 19:02:01 +0300
Petteri Räty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

> Here follows the usual insults and introductions of our newest addition
> Davide "dav_it" Italiano. After realizing that we has trying to log in
> to with a wrong user name he know has access to Gentoo
> development boxes. He will be using his powers in the Artwork and GWN
> teams. Davide is a student from Italy and his hobbies are: dark && rock
> music, opensource software, volleyball, theorethical physics, calculus
> and shoujo anime.
> Let the usual mud slinging begin.
> Regards,
> Petteri
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