On Tuesday 02 October 2007, Roy Marples wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-10-02 at 06:49 -0400, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > BSD is a second class citizen to GNU here.  Gentoo started out as a
> > project targetting a GNU userland under Linux and will continue for quite
> > sometime (forever?) as the majority/core focus.  forcing the project to
> > limit itself when there is no gain (yet plenty of pain) for the majority
> > of users is a no brainer: no.
> Well, let me be the first to stand for equal rights then!

equal rights lose when the minority causes undue support burdens on the 
majority, especially when there's simple ways for the minorties to conform.

> Anyway, this was about changing the portage tree syntax from bash to
> posix shell, not gnu vs bsd vs userland tools. The arguments are not the
> same as bash supports posix shell whereas gnu tools don't support bsd
> extensions and bsd tools don't support gnu extensions.

it is the same argument.  you're proposing technically inferior solutions for 
no gain whatsoever to the majority of people.

> I say that for the most part, there should be no technical reason why
> ebuilds cannot be in posix shell whilst being readable and maintainable.

the devils in the details isnt it.  i've already mentioned deficiencies in the 
POSIX syntax when compared to bash which is commonly used.  if the POSIX 
standard cannot satisfy the entire tree, then there's no point in converting 
subsets -- you lead to ugly inconsistencies which can be very confusing for 
people who dont live breathe eat poop eat some more this crap every day 
(which i'd wager is pretty much everyone in Gentoo), nor do i think this 
should be a hard requirement.  you and i and a very small handful of other 
people are irrelevant drops in the Gentoo bucket.

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