On Saturday, 13. October 2007 19:27:05 Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-10-11 at 13:11 +0200, Gunnar Wrobel wrote:
> > The project has advanced far enough though that I feel it is a good
> > time point to declare this a real Gentoo project.
> > http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/kolab/index.xml
> Umm... why?  Why does a package need a project?  Is this not just a
> mail server?

It's a full-blown collaboration/groupware server and it will likely need a 
fair bit of coordination between different herds and maintainers as it 
uses several major F/OSS components which (at least until recently) need 
patches and integration changes to be usable with Kolab.


> I don't mean any offense.  I just want to know.  Why do we need to
> create a project, which should normally be reserved for wide-sweeping
> changes or things that require massive amounts of coordination?

Indeed. Having tried to use Kolab on Gentoo before, I assume it will be 
the latter that makes a Kolab project reasonable.

Best regards, Wulf

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