On Nov 7, 2007 3:09 PM, Steve Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jim Ramsay wrote:
> > This could be automated by the PM in those cases with some sort of
> > thing like this in the cat/bar-1.0.ebuild:
> >
> >   OBSOLETES="cat/foo"
> >
> > Of course this would be a regular package atom (or list thereof), so it
> > could be tied to specific versions of cat/foo.
> >
> I really like that idea. (A RECOMMENDS thing similar to debian would be nice
> too.)

Agreed. Recomendation could be queried in a standarised way and at any
time (not only after installing a package). It'd be more reliable than
current pkg_postinst messages.


Santiago M. Mola
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