
this is sth. that has been brought up in the KDE4 forums thread and on
irc. The thing is, that if you're using a live ebuild you might very
likely run into bugs, that have been introduced in a newer revision.
Now when you get in touch with upstream about that bug it might be very
useful if you can tell them, that you know, that a specific version in
the past worked. The idea was now to add the ability to the scm eclasses
to do this automatically.
So after installation then sth. like this
${CAT}/${P} merged at revision (or commit) ${REVISION}
to a file like /var/log/portage/scm.log.
Now I'm sure there are a few dirty ways to achieve this, but I wonder if
there is an easy and clean way to do this?

The problem is (I think so), that you can't just write sth. to / because
of the sandbox, so there needs to be a way to get around that, and it
should also happen after installation (post_inst).

Now if anyone wonders if this might even be useful for the distributed
scm's, I do think so. Because of course if you merge sth. from another
tree, or your ebuild repo_uri fetches from a local dir, then you might
have _other_ commit hashes than upstream, but at least you can then look
into your own repo and tell them, when that was and what happened since

I'm aware of the fact, that the revision of the currently installed
package is part of the environment and that is saved, but I'm not only
interested in the revision of the currently installed version, but also
in the revision of the previously installed version. Just wanted to
emphasize that again. ;)

Hope someone comes up with some good ideas. ;)

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