While we can't get every single Gentoo user out there to participate in
a survey, we should be able to get much better results out of taking a
census of the developers (and hopefully some of the ex-developers as

To that end, beyond the user survey questions thread, I'd like to hear
suggestions for questions specifically aimed at developers. This would
also be a much stricter one dev one set of results (no multiple entries,
probably defended in some fashion similar to the voting).

Wishlist for a developer census:

- marital status
- ages of children?
- profession
- When did you join/leave Gentoo (we don't have this info for some devs)

About working on Gentoo and Linux:
- Are you specifically paid to work on Gentoo?
- Do you spend some paid time on Gentoo anyway?
- Employer (if the above questions are yes)
- Do you get paid to work on Linux / use linux at work (if
  negative to Gentoo)
- How much time do you spend working on Gentoo?

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer & Infra Guy
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