Davide Cendron wrote:
>> Ok, so we're just blocking on the docs guys.

Well, to the best of my knowledge, nobody asked us to fix stuff.
Preferred way would be filing a bug to the docs-team that says "hey,
we're gonna deprecate all digests, could you please fix your crap so
that it doesn't recommend running `ebuild foo digest`?", but other
methods like mailing the -dev ML or pinging us on irc are fine, too.

If you don't want to be held back by our inactivity, you have to let us
know :).

Also note that docs team is responsible for files that are under
http://www.gentoo.org/doc/ and *nothing else*. If there's a bug in some
other document that is on our web nodes, like for example the Devrel
Handbook, we leave it to their maintainers (devrel here) to fix it. If
such team says "hey, fell free to fix whatever you want", I'm sure some
GDP members (including rane myself) will gladly help, but right now, the
policy is "we got a bug that speaks about stuff under /proj/ -> reassign".

(As a side note, we have that great devmanual which seems a lot more
useful than the ebuild part of the devrel handbook, perhaps it's time to
reconsider their roles. And yeah, I've brought this to devrel's
attention and don't count on them following -dev :). )

> I don't know exactly how many other docs must be changed accordingly, it's 
> better to ping some GDP member to get a better feedback.

Quick grep suggests that these needs fixing:


I'm sure that rane will  get someone from the devrel to fix them :)


cd /local/pub && more beer > /dev/mouth

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