On P, 2008-02-03 at 08:10 +0100, Hans de Graaff wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-02-02 at 22:54 -0800, Alec Warner wrote:
> > So reply with a URL pointing at your tool*. 
> For XEmacs there is the pebuild script which tracks upstreams packages
> and automatically bumps ebuilds for them when newer versions are
> available: http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/lisp/emacs/pebuild.gz
> For Ruby Richard just wrote a similar tool to track which upstream gems
> have a newer version available:
> http://dev.gentoo.org/~rbrown/ruby_scripts/

The GNOME team uses a similar purpose tool for packages released to
GNOME mirrors.
It's currently maintained by dang on a git repository of his, located

It produces a result like this:

Which visualizes what version bumps we are missing for a given GNOME
release series.
There have been blue sky ideas how to improve something like this to a
lot more packages, including all hosted on GNOME mirrors and available
from gnomefiles.org lists (we have parse-able data available from them)
and more, but nothing has materialized as of yet.

Mart Raudsepp
Gentoo Developer
Weblog: http://planet.gentoo.org/developers/leio

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