Zac Medico wrote:
If the package manager exposes a slightly lower level interface to
the USE flags then build_with_use can use that instead, and the
package manager won't have to implement the full build_with_use
interface.  For example, portageq currently supports a "metadata"
command that can be used to query installed package metadata such as
USE and IUSE. Perhaps we should use some type of interface similar
to that.

I'd say it depends on whether we want to support native_built_with_use
just as a temporary workaround until there are use deps (then just
package managers not using vdb would implement it, and portage need not
care), or we would want to use the general metadata query also for other

Anyway, restricting ebuilds from vdb access sounds like a good idea to me.
Vlastimil Babka (Caster)

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