excerpted below, on  Tue, 01 Jul 2008 11:29:56 -0400:

> Mark Loeser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Its a good idea, but since our users don't always provide useful
>> reports, it seems like we are just shifting work around.
> I'd suggest that this would /spread/ work around - Instead of a few
> folks wrangling bugs, everyone would be doing it.
> That said, I have no idea how many duplicate / incomplete bugs I have
> never seen due to the wonderful work of the wranglers.  In some ways it
> would be a shame to lose that quality pre-reading of the bugs.

Perhaps the best solution is to get the implementation in place, but not 
completely automate it.  Put the tools there so if it looks right, all 
the wrangler needs to do is a single click, and it's auto-assigned, but 
that single click is still necessary so that a human actually gets to 
review things before doing the assignment.

That would make it /much/ easier for the wranglers.

If desired, a cron script or some such could then be setup to go thru and 
automatically assign anything that wasn't assigned yet and that hadn't 
been touched (no comments asking for more info, etc) for some period, say 
a week, just to catch anything that fell thru the cracks or if the 
wranglers all disappeared or went on strike/vacation/whatever.  Then if 
folks ever suddenly find themselves inundated with "raw" bugs, it'd be a 
serious indication that the wranglers needed some help.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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