It has become abundantly clear that distribution maintainers should have as few patches as possible. Patches waste time due to duplicate work, resources (portage disk space and bandwidth), and as the Debian project recently found out after a major vulnerability was discovered in the OpenSSH packages (see, and among others), they can become a source of great embarrassment, and liability since they are not nearly so well audited as code in heavily used mainstream projects (an unintentional Cathedral if you will). I therefore propose the following changes:

Patches in the metadata.xml should have some sort of status tracking for each patch, repoman should flag any that don't, and warn on any that have not been submitted upstream unless the status is signed off on by a herd leader (such as Gentoo specific patches). This would provide visual feedback for users and developers with regard to a pretty important metric on how successful Gentoo is at getting patches pushed back to developers.

Developers who consistantly clear a large quantity of patches upstream should also be recognized in the Gentoo Monthly Newsletter, and otherwise as appropriate. Obviously the software needs to work, and therefore we need patches, but Gentoo has not done enough to date to get them pushed upstream. Lets look at some cringeworthy statistics on outstanding patches. (NB these are only patches in portage, and not patches which don't meet portage's maximum size)

app-accessibility   48 app-admin          178
app-antivirus       10 app-arch           101
app-backup          55 app-benchmarks      20
app-cdr             58 app-crypt           90
app-dicts           28 app-doc             26
app-editors         90 app-emacs           51
app-emulation      186 app-forensics       21
app-i18n            77 app-laptop          23
app-misc           181 app-mobilephone     34
app-office          64 app-pda             50
app-portage         36 app-shells          91
app-text           334 app-vim             13
app-xemacs           4 dev-ada              1
dev-cpp             30 dev-db             141
dev-dotnet          27 dev-embedded        17
dev-games           27 dev-haskell         12
dev-java           264 dev-lang           313
dev-libs           391 dev-lisp           112
dev-ml              15 dev-perl            78
dev-php              6 dev-php5            11
dev-python         202 dev-ruby            63
dev-scheme          37 dev-tcltk           33
dev-tex             24 dev-tinyos           3
dev-util           328 distfiles           26
eclass              21 games-action        58
games-arcade        76 games-board         58
games-emulation     88 games-engines        8
games-fps           58 games-kids           9
games-misc          15 games-mud           19
games-puzzle        65 games-roguelike     26
games-rpg           15 games-server         7
games-simulation    14 games-sports        17
games-strategy      54 games-util          31
gnome-base          45 gnome-extra         60
gnustep-apps        22 gnustep-base         3
gnustep-libs         9 kde-base           146
kde-misc            52 mail-client         71
mail-filter         49 mail-mta            21
media-fonts          5 media-gfx          188
media-libs         494 media-plugins      273
media-radio          2 media-sound        411
media-tv            44 media-video        253
metadata            72 net-analyzer       213
net-dialup         121 net-dns             45
net-firewall        33 net-fs              47
net-ftp             76 net-im              91
net-irc             68 net-libs           111
net-mail           113 net-misc           428
net-nds             11 net-news            16
net-nntp            21 net-p2p             67
net-print           49 net-proxy           53
net-voip             9 net-wireless        89
net-www             14 net-zope             6
perl-core            2 rox-base            11
rox-extra            6 sci-astronomy       32
sci-biology         32 sci-calculators     31
sci-chemistry      104 sci-electronics     21

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