Holger Hoffstaette wrote:
On Wed, 10 Sep 2008 11:38:56 +0100, Mike Auty wrote:

Marius Mauch wrote:
Maybe the best solution is to drop the non-prefixed versions of 'world'
and 'system' completely ....
Deprecating the old syntax sounds like a sensible action to get people
shifted onto the new system.  I imagine it would work very similarly to
"emerge info" at the moment?

Speaking purely as a user, from a usability perspective it's a horrible
idea. Don't make me remember special things. To me there is no discernible
difference between "system" and "@system", except that I have to remember
to prefix the latter over and over again. Different things need different
names. Doesn't portage have more pressing problems? In the last 6 years of
using Gentoo I cannot remember a single instance where the difference
between system and world even mattered to me from an operational point of


Also speaking as a user, I confuse pretty easily and you can ask anyone on gentoo-user about that. However, I see the difference between @system and system. The same for world or at least a good idea anyway.

I have to also say that I like being able to type in emerge -uvDN world and letting my system upgrade everything that needs upgrading. It's simple, easy and not so much typing. I can somewhat understand the need for @system and @world but think both can live together pretty well. I also can't think of a better name to call it either. I do think there should be some sort of notice for those users that do not follow -dev, -user and/or the forums tho. That has been a issue for a long time. There does not seem to be a clear cut way to inform all Gentoo users except during a emerge. Thing is, emerge -uvDN world will do the same as it always has from my understanding.

My $0.02 worth.


:-) :-)

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