Thomas Sachau wrote:
> I just had a user in bugzilla who thought, the developer profile would be for 
> software developers,
> not just for gentoo developers. Probably he is not the only one.
> What about either adding some big warning on portage output or renaming this 
> profile to e.g.
> "gentoodeveloper"?

I think this discussion has popped up before on both this list and on
gentoo-doc. I added some substantial warnings to the documentation that
discusses profiles per Donnie's request if I remember right. The bottom
line is that you can try to make things as tricky as you want; users
will still try to do it because they don't bother to read any
documentation. That's something you can't force 'em to do.

Still, perhaps adding some output would be good, though I'm not sure
how. eselect doesn't seem to be setup to display anything; "eselect
profile set 9" to switch to "amd64/2008.0" doesn't even return a message
that it was set.

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