Peter Volkov wrote:
> Steve, your example only tests how much time bash takes to parse string.
> It's obvious that in quoted strings some expansions could be avoided and
> thus bash works faster.

Yeah that's all I wanted to get across.

> But although ebuilds use bash syntax they are 
> interpreted not only by bash - the time to parse stings is negligible to
> other activities. I have not calculated but made a rough estimation
> taking into account the number of ebuilds in the tree. So I think we
> have of order of 10^6 string. This means that during merge of all
> packages we'll win 10 seconds. I don't think it's worth to consider this
> gain.
Agreed; in the context of a build it's not at all significant. It might be
in the context of metadata generation.

> So in portage tree this is the matter of style. That's said, since
> personally I don't have any preference on this style and until there
> will be arguments not to use this style I'll start to use full quotation
> of the strings.
Thanks for taking it on board :-)

> And yes, in pure bash programs possibly this'll make sense.
Yeah; that's effectively what, combined with all the files it
sources, is. (There's quite a bit of code there.)


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