If one has built a system with the default python and perl USE flags,
what steps would be necessary to remove all packages and dependencies
after removing them from the USE declarations?

Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto wrote:
> Dawid WgliDski wrote:
> > On Monday 08 of December 2008 11:34:21 Maciej Mrozowski wrote:
> >> Following advise from
> https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=250179, I'm
> >> bringing it here.
> > Hm, i totally don't agree with the original comment from the bug.
> Many people
> > get use of those two flags without even noticing it. There is bunch
> of good
> > soft, that take advantages of perl modules or python
> bindings/wrappers. For
> > servers it may be nagios-plugins with bunch of perl scripts for hosts
> > monitoring or at least nice DBD::mysql.
> > So, maybe it's better to disable such flags on your system if you
> don't like
> > them - that's why you are using Gentoo, aren't you?
> David,
> in the cases you mention, there's also the option to enable those use
> flags through IUSE defaults or if we're talking exclusively about server
> packages, thorough the server profiles.
> As explained in the bug, at least the python use flag means very heavy
> and *problematic* deps for KDE. As the current USE_ORDER prevents "-use"
> flags from working on ebuilds, any flag set by the profile requires
> users to "manually" disable it in /etc/portage/package.use[/*].

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