Christian Faulhammer <> posted
20090404000139.2ea5a...@terra.solaris, excerpted below, on  Sat, 04 Apr
2009 00:01:39 +0200:

> [0]

BTW, as I'm on ~arch I had upgraded some time ago, but had been using the 
legacy keyboard and mouse drivers until seeing the stabilizing discussion 
here a few days ago.

I tried using the upgrade guide to upgrade to evdev and it DID NOT WORK.  
I just now [1] filed the bug[2]

The upgrade guide has this:

First, make sure you've built xorg-server with INPUT_DEVICES="evdev". 

But it misses mentioning that the kernel must ALSO be built with evdev, 
namely, CONFIG_INPUT_EVDEV=y, in menuconfig under Device Drivers > Input 
device support > Event interface.

That had me fighting all sorts of unnecessary battles for hours with hal, 
editing *.fdi files to merge keys, etc, only to have it STILL not work, 
with the xorg log saying evdev device not found or path (something or 
other).  Finally, I thought to check the kernel config for an evdev 
driver.  Sure enough, and it solved the problem I had spent needless 
hours fighting!

So mentioning the evdev kernel device is IMO a blocker on the 

[1] I only figured out the problem after fighting with it for hours, was 
too tired to file a bug then, and it has only been a couple days since, 
during which I've been "recovering" and haven't even wanted to THINK 
about it.  So I only now filed the bug.

[2] [Xorg 1.5 Upgrade Guide] kernel evdev as well as xorg evdev driver

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