Thomas Anderson wrote:
>    - Vote on GLEP 54
>        This vote was called for by dertobi123. The vote was on whether to
>        approve GLEP 54 conditional on whether GLEP 55 is passed. The reason
>        for this is that GLEP 54 is unimplementable without the problems
>        mentioned in GLEP 55 being solved.

I have not seen much discussion lately regarding the choice of the string, "scm"
in this GLEP.  I asked the author today on IRC, and he said he doesn't have a
particularly strong reason for "scm" beyond historical reasons.

Since we are stuck with the string once it is adopted, I think we should
consider the choice carefully.  Personally, I'd prefer "live", since it is what
we've been calling these ebuilds for a long time, it's easier to remember (and
more "catchy"), and it seems to carry the spirit of what we mean by these kinds
of ebuilds.  Also, there is a new in-ebuild property with the signifier "live".



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