This is your friendly reminder! Same bat time (typically the 2nd & 4th
Thursdays at 2000 UTC / 1600 EST), same bat channel (#gentoo-council @ !

If you have something you'd wish for us to chat about, maybe even vote
on, let us know! Simply reply to this e-mail for the whole Gentoo dev
list to see.

For more info on the Gentoo Council, feel free to browse our homepage:

Following is the preliminary meeting agenda. First we'll have to fill
the empty spot. After a short upgrade on EAPI-3 implementation we will
discuss the removal of old eclasses, followed by our old friend GLEP 55.
If we still have time we can dive into the topic of general EAPI

Approval/voting of new council member replacing Donnie Berkholz

Unfortunately Donnie resigned as a member of the council (for
details please read his mail on the g-council ml). Next in line
are ulm and ssuominen.

EAPI 3: Short discussion of the progress

zmedico will provide an update on the progress of the implementation. Short
discussion of problems and implementation decisions if needed.

Removing old eclasses

Goal: Decide whether developers are allowed to remove eclasses. Problem:
Upgrading using portage with a version before 2.1.4 will fail since portage
always used eclasses from the tree instead of the ones from environment.bz2,
even though the environment fail has been generated. Portage 2.1.4 got stabled
over a year ago.

Handling EAPI versioning in a forwards-compatible way

Goal: Discuss whether one of the alternatives given in GLEP 55 is appropriate
to solve the problem. Decide which one should be chosen.

Define EAPI development/deployment cycles

Goal: Start discussion about EAPI development/deployment. For example:
Collect problems of eapi introductions in the past, like reverting
ebuilds to former eapis to get them stable, not waiting for the pm
support a certain eapi before requesting stable keywords for ebuilds
using the new eapi, .... Collect problems of EAPI development like
feature-freeze, late feature removals (due to implementation problems).
Eventually develop a lightweight EAPI development model.


Tiziano Müller
Gentoo Linux Developer, Council Member
Areas of responsibility:
  Samba, PostgreSQL, CPP, Python, sysadmin, GLEP Editor
E-Mail   :
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