
I am the student doing the Universal Select Tool for this year's
Geetoo's SoC.

On Tue, 2009-05-26 at 16:35 +0200, Philipp Riegger wrote:

> How will that tool be called? Maybe uselect?

Everything points out to that until now. =)

The way it's done, current eselect modules can continue working with
uselect with very few changes needed. I didn't want to add full
backwards compatibility because the utilities are slightly different and
therefore creating the sense that uselect is not yet another eselect. At
this time (SoC starts in a few hours) the prototype is written in
python, does everything eselect does and supports any scripting language
for module's actions. Oh, it's extremely faster too. Drop me a line at
"[gentoo-dev] Google SoC @ Gentoo - Universal Select Tool" thread if you
have any ideas. Thank you!


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