2009/5/27 Patrick Lauer <patr...@gentoo.org>:
> On Wednesday 27 May 2009 22:57:25 Joe Peterson wrote:
>> > Gentoo should not repeat the VHS vs Betamax war. For those who do not
>> > remember, VHS was the better marketed but inferior technical solution
>> > that won the standards war for domestic Video recorders.
>> >
>> :)  Yep.  And bad design decisions can haunt is for a long time.
> Actually, once we add the current-glep55 changes we have no way of sanely
> undoing them if we should realize that they don't work out for us ...
> ... unless we do horrible things like forbidding it, which would cause the
> same errors we are trying to hide now.
> So unless we have a plan for mid-term future changes I don't see why we would
> want the current GLEP55 - it's a one-way change in the current state.

How is it one-way exactly? You can do pretty much anything you want in
a new EAPI (that's the point).

>> My preference is the one-time .ebuild->.eb change, and putting the EAPI on
>> the first line, like a #!shebang.  Very easy to extract, and good design.
> My preference is freezing the rsync tree, storing all referenced distfiles on
> at least one mirror, then change the rsync path.
> That way all "old" users get the last sane upgrade position (...)

And bugs and security vulnerabilities too. Or do you propose
maintaining multiple trees at the same time? I think one of the main
points of EAPI was to avoid doing exactly that.

Best Regards,
Piotr Jaroszyński

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