2009/5/28 Marijn Schouten (hkBst) <hk...@gentoo.org>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Piotr Jaroszyński wrote:
>> 2009/5/28 Ulrich Mueller <u...@gentoo.org>:
>>>>>>>> On Thu, 28 May 2009, Tiziano Müller wrote:
>>>>> ${PORTDIR}/app-misc/foo/foo-1a_live.ebuild
>>>>> ${PORTDIR}/app-misc/foo-1a/foo-1a-live.ebuild
>>>> you probably mean:
>>>> ${PORTDIR}/app-misc/foo-1a/foo-1a.live.ebuild
>>> No, I mean what I had written, namely to use an underscore as
>>> separator, i.e., "_live". But when the version is just "live" alone,
>>> one would suppress the underscore for aesthetic reasons, i.e. instead
>>> of "foo-1a-_live" it would be "foo-1a-live".
>>>> but how would their vdb or binpkg names be unique?
>>>> vdb for example:
>>>> app-misc/foo-1a_live for app-misc/foo
>>> PN=foo, PV=1a_live => app-misc/foo-1a_live
>>>> app-misc/foo-1a_live for app-misc/foo-1a
>>> PN=foo-1a, PV=live => app-misc/foo-1a-live
>>>> am I missing something?
>>> Everything is easy, if you keep the following rule in mind:
>>>>> With our current versioning scheme the rule is very simple: ${P} is
>>>>> split into ${PN} and ${PV} at the last hyphen. This can be done in
>>>>> a straight forward way by regexp matching, and I would really hate
>>>>> to lose this nice property.
>>>> I don't understand why this property is important. Can you please
>>>> explain?
>>> See above, it automatically avoids any ambiguities in splitting P into
>>> PN and PV. And look at function "pkgsplit" in Portage: It can just
>>> treat PV as an opaque string.
>>> What would be the advantage to use a hyphen instead of an underscore?
>> Mainly the thing you observed yourself - foo_live is a bit
>> inconsistent with current versions.
> Ulrich is proposing foo-live if live is the entire version, foo_live is not a
> legal `package name and version'. (It could be a package name though.)

I know, it's also inconsistent. Anyway that's really not that
important. We could forbid package names that end with a -$PV where
$PV is a valid version spec. That would make package names like foo-1b
invalid (didn't see anything named like that in the tree anyway).

>> The case you mention can be avoided with another restriction in PMS.
>> Buut we might as well go all the way and change the version separator
>> to -- or something, which would be the most flexible.
> That would also be a good solution though we don't seem to need it yet. It 
> would
> also entail compatibility issues.

Not with g55.

Best Regards,
Piotr Jaroszyński

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