Mike Frysinger wrote:
> Roy Marples wrote:
>> You would have to ask the VServer team, but my understanding was they
>> needed to detect version of OpenRC in a container from the host before
>> the container is started.
> if systems need crazy restrictions,

It sounded quite simple: no execution of anything; and has clearly been
established as a requirement earlier in the process.

> the original issue can be handled via sbin/functions.sh (unless someone
> has a reason why not)

I can see an advantage to having it in a text file, since it can be checked
at any point in the startup, or before in this case, at the discretion of
the distro or administrator. Where is the advantage in forcing it to be
part of a shellscript?

This is very similar to /etc/gentoo-release, so it's not like it's some
new-fangled "crazy" idea imo.

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