On Monday 15 June 2009, Sebastian Pipping wrote:
> However there are a few more things to take into account,
> please have a look at my reply to Paul:
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/popcon-developers/2009-June/
> Sorry for not CC'ing you, I should have though of that.
> Thinking the other way around:  Is there anything we could do
> to make the central place approach work and feel better for
> everybody?

The consumers of the PackageMap will always only use the central 
database. It is only the populators of the database that would be 

I am convinced the project will be more viable if people can choose 
their level of contribution. Many developers just won't care enough to 
take the extra hassle. If you make it easy enough for them to 
contribute to the CPE mapping, i.e. update their debian/controls or 
metadata.xml, they will (or not :-). Other developers that care more 
can then extract the data and merge it at the database and do extra 
maintenance tasks such as updating the substition map.

If you make merging easy, I don't see how this hurts the project.


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