On Tue, 2009-06-16 at 15:48 +0100, Sérgio Almeida wrote:
> Hello,
> Current State of Universal Select Tool - uselect
> Proposal link: 
> http://socghop.appspot.com/student_project/show/google/gsoc2009/gentoo/t124022356237
> uselect implementation started a few weeks before SoC officially started
> to "de-rust" myself on python programming. 
> Here follows a checklist of what it already does right now.
> * modules syntax defined
> * modules support any scripting language
> * module conversion from eselect to uselect are very easy (even when not
> symlinking)
> * per-user/system-wide actions
> * simple symlinking actions are defined in 1 line only. uselect does all
> the job.
> * changing a user python interpreter through adding ~/.uselect/bin to
> PATH through /etc/profile (is this the better way?)
> Next steps:
> * look deeper into eselect already implemented functions that most
> modules use (by using inherit) and see what is uselect still lacking
> * define profiling system (nice thread on gentoo-dev on this)
> * start the profile system implementation
> * start using gentoo's git
> Further Notes:
> * At this point I am ahead on schedule because of my early start. With
> this I have plenty of time to implement features that were not described
> on the proposal.
> * Soon I will push the code into gentoo's git. If you have time, take a
> look at it. Hope these reports are taken also as a "call for ideas".
> Hope I'm not lacking any information. I'm loving working with Gentoo on
> this. Learned a lot until now.
> Cheers,
> Sérgio


Just made the initial commit on gentoo's git.


Please take the time to take a look at uselect and leave me some
feedback if possible.

install.sh should get uselect working for you.

Sérgio Almeida - meph...@gmail.com
mephx @ freenode

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