On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 3:26 AM, Steven J
Long<sl...@rathaus.eclipse.co.uk> wrote:
> Duncan wrote:
>> Wow, joke or not, this is the kind of thing that makes me glad I don't do
>> IRC.
> Just to answer this quickly, as I think you're querying my earlier assertion
> that gentoo IRC is a lot of fun?
> The real point is that on IRC you can just type: /ignore asshat
> and you never know that person exists unless someone else is talking to him.
> That makes IRC in general a LOT easier to deal with than the ML.
> WRT paludis trolling, every year or so there's another couple of devs who
> get drawn into that circle. They usually end up a lot more embittered, and
> never as friendly as they used to be, ime. I've personally seen three guys
> I rated, and used to chat with, go through that process. In any
> event, /ignore makes #gentoo-* IRC bearable for me at worst, and
> more often it's a lot of fun.

Er, for the old school folks, let me introduce procmail; and for the
new school folks, let me introduce gmail filters.  It turns out you
can filter in email too ;)

> --
> #friendly-coders -- We're friendly but we're not /that/ friendly ;-)

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