
Somewhat continuing my battle to reasonably minimise USE flags enabled by 
default for users, I'd like to ask about one particular commit. Note that 
there's no commit message and it looks a bit fishy:


It enables considerable amount of USE flags in base profile.
I'm most concerned about 'gstreamer' USE flag as it's not needed at all for 
KDE users (they get xine phonon backend as default and will just cause 
unnecessary dependency chain).
If author of that commit is concerned about Gnome functionality, he could talk 
with Gnome devs first - besides gstreamer is probably pulled there as 
dependency so no point really in enabling it as USE flag in base profile.

Please remove it.
(also 'gtk'  is there, why not 'kde' as well? remember we're talking about 
*base* profile, not *desktop* profile)

And my main point is - since we have EAPI=1 (use defaults) and EAPI=2 (use 
deps, yes, it's time to learn those), sane defaults should be set per package 
level if possible and respected via use deps.

Also this is very related to bug [1] and discussion about it [2]. It would be 
nice to see some progress on that matter (progress = perl and python dropped 
from profile, and only enabled for ebuilds when maintainer see it fit).

1. https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=250179
2. http://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-


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