Ryan Hill wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Aug 2009 21:15:57 -0400
> Mark Loeser <halc...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> I'd really like to unmask gcc-4.4.1 soon, as in the next week or so.
>> If you could please install it and test it out, I would appreciate it.
>> Also, if you have any gcc 4.4 porting bugs assigned to a herd that you
>> are a part of, resolving those bugs would help a lot.
>> Thanks to all that have contributed and helped already,
> Also the glibc-2.10 tracker, a lot of which are triggered by the combination
> of it and gcc-4.4.  I admit to massive slacking getting these fixed (mostly
> due to my job sending me to the middle of nowhere for three weeks last month,
> but also Persona 4 (oh that wacky Teddie)).
> https://bugs.gentoo.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=270353&hide_resolved=1

I'd say what is left unfixed in both trackers gets a CC to treecleaners
in a week or so. Doesn't make sense to keep pkgs that won't build in tree.


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