On 09/05/2009 01:24 AM, Robert Bradbury wrote:
I've used the gnash plugin because earlier Flash releases were so
"problematic" (crashing Flash would generally crash Firefox).  But
generally migrated away from Flash as it seemed to become more and
more of an advertising distribution medium that one had no user
control over (this is a subjective impression).  Gnash also seemed to
be unable to play more recent versions of Flash files.

Is gnash still under development (as an open source alternative to
Adobe flash)?  If so, then it would seem to make sense to keep the
plugin alive.  Where does this all go with the evolution towards more
open media formats (HTML 3.x?).  It is my impression currently that a
consensus could not be agreed upon for a "standard" open
non-proprietary format for audio/video files.

Flash *is* an open format; Adobe opened up its specs a while ago. It's just that the only full implementation of it isn't open (Adobe Flash).

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