Robin H. Johnson wrote:
It does NOT check /proc/config.gz presently. The original logic against
not checking /proc was that we were targeting the kernel being built,
but that's moot given the use of `uname -r` in OUTPUT_DIR.

That seems like a bug. OUTPUT_DIR should default to unset which would cause the internal KV_OUT_DIR to be set to KV_DIR. However I can see from the code that's not the case, and it's not clear why.

Relying on "uname -r" or /proc/config.gz is still something we should avoid (unless user configured, perhaps, or in very exceptional circumstances) however it looks like this isn't a change that you are proposing.

Thanks for working on this. It's a sensitive area so please take care and help people pick up the pieces. If you are really motivated, it might be worth rethinking the whole separate output directory implementation.


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