Hi all,

The situation with the Gentoo Handbook is quite frankly getting beyond a
joke for those of us donating our time to help users.

I have tried to bring up the issues on the docs team list but pretty
much get shot down and told everything is fine and dandy.

For example, quoteth the Handbook at:
Most PC users should use the stage3-i686-2008.0.tar.bz2 stage3 archive.

This results in users starting out with a version of portage that
doesn't understand EAPI-2. Guess what happens next.

I personally would happily donate my time to working on the docs, if
only it didn't involve a markup language nobody else uses. I suggested a
closed wiki for official documentation, but was again shot down saying
that the existing team (who seem to be doing nothing) would need to
reskill and that the server admins dislike wikis.

Is it really satisfactory that the official install documentation
results in a basically non-working install?


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