Alistair Bush schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> i would like to start a discussion about reducing the amount of
>>  default-enabled USE flags in profiles, especially in inherited basic
>>  profiles.
> Sounds like a reasonable idea to me, for the base profiles at least.

Sure. If we have a desktop/kde subprofile, noone should complain, if that 
profile enables kde
specific USE flags. On the other hand, if i just want a desktop without kde, i 
dont want to be
forced to either choose a none-desktop profile and enable many USE flags by 
hand or using the
desktop profile and disabling many USE flags by hand.

>> In addition, i see a trend to enabled more more more USE flags (either over
>>  profiles or via IUSE +flag). Whats the reason for forcing a big load of
>>  default enabled USE flags on every user including more dependencies, more
>>  compile time, more wasted disk space and more possible vulnerabilities
>>  except some users, who complain about a missing feature and are not able
>>  to think and enable a USE flag for that feature?
> ".... who complain about a enabled feature and are not able to think and 
> disable a USE flag for that feature?"
> What a couple of changes make....

I dont mind, if a flag is really usefull and requested by a big majority of the 
users. But as Gentoo
is about choice, the minority should be able to easily choose something else, 
e.g. by a less
heavyweight profile. If a majority of mplayer users want to be able to play 
audio files, i dont mind
to disable it for myself, if i dont want it. But on the other hand shouldnt a 
handfull of users be
able to dictate the enabled and disabled USE flags for many other users, which 
might have a
different interest.

> It would be nice if we actually documented why they were enabled.  Does the 
> use flag enable significant functionality that would otherwise make the 
> software 
> less useful.

Documentation is always usefull. One should also check the additional overhead 
of the USE flag.

> I believe we should be trying to find a nice 'middle of the road' balance.   
> DE 
> "related" use flags should be enabled in profiles ( unless of coarse they 
> package is already DE related e.g if a kde package has a use flag for kde's 
> sound system, this could be enabled at a package level while a package with a 
> kde use flag should not default enable it.).

I aggree.

Thomas Sachau

Gentoo Linux Developer

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