On Tuesday 15 December 2009 03:05:33 Peter Volkov wrote:
> Hi. How do we choose USE flags in case package supports different ssl
> implementations?
> Currently we do this differently: 1. some packages use ssl USE flag and
> additional gnutls (or openssl) to select alternative ssl implementation,
> 2. other packages already started to avoid ssl USE flag completely and
> use only openssl/gnutls/nss.
> The latter makes things harder for those who want ssl enabled packages
> on the system and don't care about implementation. Also it is not
> intuitive to have packages without ssl with ssl USE flag enabled system
> wide. So I would like to ban latter solution and suggest the following:
> If package has ssl support use ssl USE flag for that. In case there are
> alternatives, use openssl/gnutls/nss for upstream _less_ recommended
> implementation(s).

USE=ssl should select *some* implementation.  the finer grained 
openssl/gnutls/nss can be used to select a specific implementation, but not 
respecting USE=ssl is broken.  curl is an example of this.

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