Ben de Groot <> said:
> > Its been pretty much dead.  We need more developer involvement so users
> > can actually talk to them and help resolve issues.  If we can't get
> > enough developers to participate then we should just stop trying to do
> > it instead of putting on such a poor showing.
> I would like to be involved but not in the current disorganized form. Our
> #gentoo-bugs channel topic still refers to the thoroughly outdated
> bugsday.g.o page, and I can't edit either of them.

I can modify the channel topic for you.  I should have a login for the
bugsday.g.o page somewhere, if not...I'm sure we can get one.

> We need an easier interface to mark bugs to be tackled on bugday,
> and I like Sebastian's proposal for that. The idea for the bugsday.g.o
> page is good, but it needs to be brought up-to-date and accessible
> to all devs. Low barriers to participation and all that. And even devs
> who cannot take part on the day itself could participate by requesting
> certain bugs or issues to be tackled.

If you want to take the lead on this, come and talk to me on IRC and let
me know what ideas you have.  I'd love to see it take off, but I don't
have the time to put towards it myself.

> Also, participating devs should get permission to commit easy fixes
> for packages they don't maintain (the other thread about commit
> policies is relevant here). Obviously issues that are more involved
> need to be passed on to the proper maintainers.

This is something we'll have to be careful of and discuss what types of
changes can be done.  Not everything needs to be necessarily fixed in
the tree though, helping users get proper patches onto bugs can be just
as good and help get more useful contributions from those users in the
future.  Consider it an opportunity to train possible new developers.

> I think if we can get a few devs and possibly some users together
> to organize this in a better way, this could be useful. But if things
> are to stay the way they are, then we better stop pretending.

I couldn't agree more.

Mark Loeser
email         -   halcy0n AT gentoo DOT org
email         -   mark AT halcy0n DOT com
web           -

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