On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 02:41:28PM -0400, Richard Freeman wrote:
> On 03/24/2010 02:28 PM, Joshua Saddler wrote:
> > On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 19:04:51 +0100 Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar
> > Arahesis<arfre...@gentoo.org>  wrote:
> >> People, don't want Python 3, probably have already masked it. There
> >> is no reason to waste Council's time for decision on what sentence
> >> should be included in the news item.
> >
> > Not the folks running the stable tree, because they don't know about
> > it. They're not following the discussion here on -dev. They're going
> > to get unpleasantly surprised when it shows up in their next world
> > update.
> >
> > Include instructions on how to mask it if desired in the news item.
> Will not masking python-3 cause anything to break in any way?  Do users 
> need to do anything to make python-2.6 or whatever the default 
> interpreter (instructions for using eselect python are not given in the 
> news item)?
 I'm not the python maintainer, but as I understand it,python-2.6 will
 be the default interpretor until it is changed manually.

> If the only potential issue is that users might have a few extra files 
> installed that they don't need but which won't cause them problems, then 
> I don't know that we need to instruct users to create masks.
 AFAIK, this is the issue.  If python-3 is installed, it will cause
 extra files to be installed, not justin python-3, but any packages that
 support both python-2 and python-3 will potentially get files installed
 for both versions of python.

> If having python-3 will cause stable users problems, then we probably 
> shouldn't be stabilizing it anyway.
 AFAIK, the only "problem" we are debating about is the extra files
 being installed.


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