On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Angelo Arrifano <mik...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Hello developers developers and developers,
> Ever wondered how much crap is left in your X-years old Gentoo box?
> I just developed a python utility to efficiently find orphaned files in
> the system. By orphaned files I mean the files that are present on
> system directories and don't belong to any installed package.
> The package builds a virtual filesystem (cache) on the RAM using python
> hash tables. Then it uses the cache to find the ownership of files
> inside user-specified dirs.
> Building the cache takes less than 10 seconds here in a system with 1366
> installed packages.
> This is not intended to be a finished program yet, I'm looking forward
> for your constructive commentaries.

i have refactored findcruft (search the forums) two years ago (see
http://git.xnull.de/cgit/findcruft2/), maybe you can take a look at
it, especially the false-positives handling.


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