On Wed, 26 May 2010 09:27:08 +0000 (UTC)
Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:

> I've often wished there was a way to flag a bug as "I'm not thru
> messing with it yet, don't mail anyone yet."  That's especially true
> when I know I'm going to be attaching 2-3 addition files, emerge
> --info, build log, maybe sth else like a config file or even a patch,
> where I know the wranglers are going to get all those extra mails.

   "If the reporter hasn't fulfilled these requirements, the bug should
   be marked ASSIGNED to bug-wranglers, and a full build log should be
   requested from the reporter."[1]

I've taken to alternatively closing bugs as NEEDINFO lately, e.g. when
there is a grave lack of (legible) information, or when output printed
by the bug reporter suggests attaching specific files and this isn't
done in a timely manner, simply to encourage _reading_ the output
instead of simply copy/pasting it.

> Or, if there was a way to attach files as part of the initial filing,
> but if there is, I've not found it.

You usually get a couple of minutes to hours before any wrangling


[1] http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/qa/bug-wranglers/index.xml

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