Am 06.06.2010 09:37, schrieb Michał Górny:
> On Sun, 06 Jun 2010 04:19:28 +0200
> Sebastian Pipping <> wrote:
>> Thomas,
>> On 06/06/10 04:01, Thomas Sachau wrote:
>>> Since python-3* is currently useless and not required for any
>>> package, the dependency should by default only pull in python-2*
>>> like this:
>>> =dev-lang/python-2*
>>> With that, the default way would not pull in a package, which is
>>> not needed or used. And if there will be any package, which really
>>> requires python-3*, it simply requests it in (R)DEPEND of the
>>> ebuild, which then would overwrite the default value of the eclass
>>> and pull in python-3*.
>> That's an interesting idea.
> It sounds quite pointless to me. Forcing the packages to assume they
> don't support the newer version just because nothing requires it yet?

This is not about forcing a python-2* dependency, it is just about setting a 
sane default. We still
have many python related packages, which dont work with python-3, but i dont 
know of packages, which
dont work with python-2. So a sane default would be to require python-2, when 
nothing else is set in
the ebuild instead of assuming, that it works for every version including 

You can always overwrite this dependency in the ebuild, so you dont force 

>>> Are there any reasons to pull in a package, which is not requested
>>> by the user, not required by any package and by default not used by
>>> any package?
>> That a question I haven't seen answered before, either.  Arfrever?
> It _is_ requested by user. User requested upgrade of all dependant
> packages, and here it goes.

Before python-3 got introduced, packages, which only support python-2, did just 
inherit python or
distutils eclass and did not depend on python, because this dependency was in 
the eclass. Now with
the introduction of python-3, this dependency string will introduce python-3, 
also those packages
where not tested with python-3 and probably wont work with it.

As a user, i expect a world update to update/install all needed and required 
packages. python-3 is
neither required, nor needed or used, it is a complete optional dependency and 
should be handled
like that, see my other mail with a possible way to handle it.

Thomas Sachau

Gentoo Linux Developer

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