On Friday 11 of June 2010 21:26:06 Ben de Groot wrote:
> On 11 June 2010 21:12, Ben de Groot <yng...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > As I'm retiring, the following packages I maintained need someone else
> > to look after them:
> > 
> > media-video/avidemux - video and qt herds (this one needs a version bump)
> > media-video/smplayer - qt and video herds
> > x11-themes/haematite-xcursors - desktop-misc herd
> > x11-themes/obsidian-xcursors - ,,
> > x11-themes/pearlgrey-xcursors - ,,
> > x11-wm/openbox - hwoarang?, lxde herd, desktop-wm herd
> > app-misc/vifm <-- this is now maintainer-needed!
> > app-text/wgetpaste <-- this is now maintainer-needed!
> > 
> > Also, my proxy-maintainers will need new contacts:
> > x11-wm/echinus - anyone from desktop-wm still active?
> > dev-php/roadsend-php - anyone from php?
> > 
> > I hope I didn't forget anything.
> I forgot to add:
> app-text/poppler - reavertm?, now assigned to kde herd, and printing
> herd which is basically dead

Yeah, kde herd is on it.

> app-text/poppler-data - assigned to dead printing herd and loki_val
> who is on extended devaway

We can also assimilate this one if needed.


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