> Now that's tone in Gentoo.  Brilliant.

And you're ugly!

Hey, you're doing it yourself. You're using sarcasm (I assume you do,
otherwise the positive "Brilliant." doesn't fit in the context of "Oh
dear, these rude people said that!")

I think we need to remember to tolerate each other more - there's no
need to like people, we're working together on a technical/engineering
problem, not a theater production. As long as it doesn't get actively
hostile we can continue with a pretty large amount of friction. Read the
archives of this mailing list if you want to see how much :)

What I mean to say is: We're a pretty mixed and only loosely connected
group of people. You can't expect everyone to get along with everyone
else. So don't try to force a consensus and get everyone to play by
teletubby sunshine happy happy rules.
Just let us get things done in an efficient way - maybe a bit more
politeness helps that, but sugarcoating everything won't.

And never forget, I don't care if you're upset that I filed 35 bugs for
you. Your feelings are irrelevant to the fact that there are bugs. The
only thing you should do is fix things, not yell at me :)

To infinity, and beyond!


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