On 07/31/2010 05:37 AM, Hanno Böck wrote:
vpx for supporting googles vp8 codec used in webm.

At the moment this is only mplayer and ffmpeg, but it's pretty obvious that
apps supporting vp8 will start popping up everywhere (currently working on
arista ebuild which will support it).

Though we might discuss if vpx is really a good name or it shouldn't be vp8.

Depends on the libraries / codecs being used. In this case, the library is libvpx. The codec is VP8.

ffmpeg already has native support for playback of VP8, so we'll probably be splitting the use flags into two parts: vp8 and and libvpx.

I would say, for most ebuilds, just use vp8 use flag. That will be obvious what it means.

For webm support, add a use flag just for that. WebM is a *combination* of VP8 + Vorbis. Strictly speaking though, it's still just Matroska, so support for it will probably be native anyway in most stuff.


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