> Hi,
> I've been too busy with other things to work on Gentoo for quite some 
> time and this isn't going to change now that I've just picked up new 
> study and work commitments.

As I said in private, I will repeat here. Thanks for mentoring me into Gentoo 
and answering all of my questions along the way.  You set an example with your 
intelligence in technical matters and patience with users that goes years 
beyond your age.  

You will be missed and I hope you find your way back here someday. 

Best regards,

Mike Pagano
Gentoo Developer - Kernel Project
E-Mail     : mpag...@gentoo.org
GnuPG FP   : EEE2 601D 0763 B60F 848C  9E14 3C33 C650 B576 E4E3
Public Key : http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xB576E4E3&op=index

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